Why ydeploy?

ydeploy is a continuous build and deployment framework for the hybris® commerce suite.

ydeploy integrates with the hybris platform build framework and attempts to reduce the amount of effort necessary to implement automated build and deployment tasks for hybris software across your environment landscape. Like the hybris build framework, ydeploy is built on Apache Ant and should be easy to pickup for most Java developers.

ydeploy is intended to be a simple, yet extensible tool.

The standard distribution provides a set of configurable build targets intended to address the most common build and deployment requirements. When necessary, the framework can be customized and extended to meet various other operational tasks related to administering hybris software.

Getting Started

Please see the ydeploy README.md for information on how to use ydeploy.


Support or Contact

For questions, requests, feedback, or thank yous, please send a message to @zmcmahon-avatria.